Project Management Consultants on Demand

Hire Project, Program and Portfolio Managers or Project Management Consultants that will help you to reach your business goals.

Expert Project Management Consultancy Services will reach and exceed your project goals.

-Hire Short/Mid/Long-term project management consultants for any industry
-Project Managers, Program Managers, Portfolio Managers, IT Project Managers, Business Analysts and more
-Project Management consultants from 20+ industries
-Junior, Senior or Principal level project management professionals depending on your needs

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Trusted by 100+ companies including these fine companies

Project Management Consultants from 20+ Industries

Why should you opt for hiring Project Management Consultants?

From Startups to Fortune 500 companies, companies hire project management consultants for short and mid-term projects. Because projects are "temporary" and creates "unique service or product". To have the necessary industry and experience skills for a long-term and bounding employment will be binding and more expensive for employers. Therefore, companies choose hiring project management consultants instead of long-term

How does it work?

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Frequently Asked Questions

1- What is the cost of hiring a Project Management Consultant?

It depends on your expectations. Hiring a junior Project Manager can cost around $6,500 while a Senior or Principal Project Manager can cost up to $28,000 a month. After our initial call and getting your expectations, we will send you appropriate candidates and their monthly costs respectively.

2- What happens if I interview the candidates you proposed but did not want to hire?

Nothing, we will propose you suitable candidates and their monthly rates. Unless you do not want to hire a Project Management consultant, you will not pay any fee for us.

3- Are there any hidden fees/service costs?

No. Once you liked any candidate that we proposed, we will send you a contract. Once the contract is signed-off, we will be sending monthly invoices and there will not be any additional cost.

4- What happens if we would like to permanently employ the candidate you proposed?

There will be a fixed fee in the contract which will depend on the expertise and experience of the candidate. If this fee is paid to Master of Project Academy, you can permanently employ the candidate or do a separate contract as you wish.

Do you have any further questions?

We will be happy to help you if you can email us.

What are the benefits of hiring Project Management Consultants vs employing?

- Cost: if you will need a project manager for 3 to 24 months, employing the project manager will cost more than hiring. HR costs, administrative costs, legal obligations etc. will cost to employer compared to hiring from a project management consultancy company.

- Required Skills: If you are looking for a project manager for your company, finding the right project manager for your company might be time consuming and you may not find the right candidate for your vacancy. Our Project Management Consultants have different level of expertise and coming from different industries. This will ease your process in finding the right Project Management Professional for your company.

Time & Efficiency: Listing a job post, reviewing applications, interviewing and employing a Project Management Professional is a long process. Once you contact us and tell us your expectations (industry, skills, experience, etc.), we will send you appropriate project management consultant CVs and arrange online interviews with the consultants you would like to have an interview.

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About Master of Project Academy

Helped 300,000+ professionals in 180+ countries to enhance their skills and advance their career.
At their pace, in their place!

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